Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does Interior Health make inspection information available to the public? Public accountability and transparency is a component of our strategic objectives. We are committed to informing the public about our work.

2. I can’t find the facility I am searching for! Try entering a few letters of the facility name and then search. Make sure you have selected the correct region. Avoid entering apostrophes and/or quotation marks.

3. Why is there no inspection report even though there is a date showing in the search results? Posting of inspection reports is limited to routine/monitoring and follow up inspections. There are other types of inspections that are not shown on this website.

4. What are monitoring inspections? Monitoring inspections are done by inspectors and officers at monitored facilities to ensure compliance with conditions set out on their operating permit or licence. More frequent monitoring inspections are conducted at facilities that either offer services that are deemed to be potentially higher risk to the public &/or are not operating in compliance with legislated standards and pose a threat to public health.

5. What does an Infraction mean? Typically a recorded infraction is made when an inspector or officer identifies an area of non-compliance during an inspection. When a facility is in non-compliance it means that they are not operating according to legislated requirements. Infractions are discussed with the facility operator and depending on the level of risk associated with the issue, an action plan to resolve the matter is done.

6. Where can I get more information about the programs associated with these inspection reports? Look under the tab Your Environment on the Interior Health website and choose one of the many programs under the Health Protection umbrella.